Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day- Brie Mine

I made this Valentine for my husband Tim, he's my real life Alistair. Sure he doesn't share my love of cheese but he's got it where it counts.
I spent most of my Valentines Day in the ER with our daughter (she's ok)so I didn't really get to color it properly, may edit it later with better color.

Alistair & Dragon Age (c) Bioware

Thursday, February 9, 2012

100 Challenge: 8 Innocence

Right now my son Lucius is 3 and at one of the most innocent stages in my opinion. He looks at me with these wide eyes and this smile that I can't do any wrong and the world is like a shiny new penny, which he will pick up and yell "Look mom! I got the monies!!!" Its just amazing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

100 Challenge: 7 Heaven

This was a hard one for me, for some reason I could only think of that song "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" and what is heaven without Flapjack? This is seriously the most exciting place ever. Done completely in Adobe Illustrator, and texture added in Photoshop.
Flapjack is (c) Nickelodeon

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

100 Challenge: 6 Breaking Away

This took me a week on and off to do in pencil.
Rapunzel is pretty much the embodiment of breaking away or free to me and probably others as well. I've seen so many drawings of Rapunzel that I wanted something different than I'm used to seeing and really says that she's breaking away.

Tangled (c) Disney

100 Challenge: 5 Seeking Solace

"Scully, I was like you once. I didn't know who to trust. Then I... I chose another path... another life, another fate, where I found my sister. The end of my world was unrecognizable and upside down. There was one thing that remained the same. You were my friend, and you told me the truth. Even when the world was falling apart, you were my constant. My touchstone. "

If any pair in the history of fan-dom ever consoled each other more I would be hard pressed to find it.

X-Files (c) Chris Carter
Mulder and Scully shipper loves belongs to the world. :iconlalalaplz:

100 Challenge: 4 Dark

When I think dark I seem to always go back to the book In a Dark Dark Room and other stories. The tale of Jenny and her green ribbon is one of those things you remember from childhood as just so dark and disturbing.

Poor Jenny.

Tried the coloring style here. [link]

100 Challenge: 3 Light

I've always thought that just a little light could always protect you from everything that lurks in the dark now matter how small the orb.

100 Challenge: 2 Love

Love is one of those things that is imperfect and tends to change its meaning as you get older. I wanted to represent that in my drawing, its messy and childlike at times but it can also be deep and 3 dimensional.
When I was younger I thought love was like a Disney film, but found out too soon that you may give you heart to someone but they will most likely have already given theirs away. As I grew older I realized that love wasn't something given easily and that true unconditional love is looking at someone when you're at your worst and all you see looking back is admiration and understanding.

"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."~Bruce Lee

100 Challenge: 1 Introduction

Pretty much sums it up with me and art lately. Hence the reason of this challenge.

100 Drawings Challenge

Something I saw on a friend's page on Deviantart, a challenge of 100 drawings, I don't know if it was supposed to be 1 a day or what but I just want to use these to push myself and create things I usually wouldn't think of and work on things I need to improve on.

Here is the list and once I complete one I'll link it to the post.

:bulletpurple:1. Introduction
:bulletpurple:2. Love
:bulletpurple:3. Light
:bulletpurple:4. Dark
:bulletpurple:5. Seeking Solace
:bulletpurple:6. Break Away
:bulletred:7. Heaven
:bulletred:8. Innocence
:bulletred:9. Drive
:bulletred:10. Breathe Again
:bulletred:11. Memory
:bulletred:12. Insanity
:bulletred:13. Misfortune
:bulletred:14. Smile
:bulletred:15. Silence
:bulletred:16. Questioning
:bulletred:17. Blood
:bulletred:18. Rainbow
:bulletred:19. Gray
:bulletred:20. Fortitude
:bulletred:21. Vacation
:bulletred:22. Mother Nature
:bulletred:23. Cat
:bulletred:24. No Time
:bulletred:25. Trouble Lurking
:bulletred:26. Tears
:bulletred:27. Foreign
:bulletred:28. Sorrow
:bulletred:29. Happiness
:bulletred:30. Under the Rain
:bulletred:31. Flowers
:bulletred:32. Night
:bulletred:33. Expectations
:bulletred:34. Stars
:bulletred:35. Hold My Hand
:bulletred:36. Precious Treasure
:bulletred:37. Eyes
:bulletred:38. Abandoned
:bulletred:39. Dreams
:bulletred:40. Rated
:bulletred:41. Teamwork
:bulletred:42. Standing Still
:bulletred:43. Dying
:bulletred:44. Two Roads
:bulletred:45. Illusion
:bulletred:46. Family
:bulletred:47. Creation
:bulletred:48. Childhood
:bulletred:49. Stripes
:bulletred:50. Breaking the Rules
:bulletred:51. Sport
:bulletred:52. Deep in Thought
:bulletred:53. Keeping a Secret
:bulletred:54. Tower
:bulletred:55. Waiting
:bulletred:56. Danger Ahead
:bulletred:57. Sacrifice
:bulletred:58. Kick in the Head
:bulletred:59. No Way Out
:bulletred:60. Rejection
:bulletred:61. Fairy Tale
:bulletred:62. Magic
:bulletred:63. Do Not Disturb
:bulletred:64. Multitasking
:bulletred:65. Horror
:bulletred:66. Traps
:bulletred:67. Playing the Melody
:bulletred:68. Hero
:bulletred:69. Annoyance
:bulletred:70. 67%
:bulletred:71. Obsession
:bulletred:72. Mischief Managed
:bulletred:73. I Can't
:bulletred:74. Are You Challenging Me?
:bulletred:75. Mirror
:bulletred:76. Broken Pieces
:bulletred:77. Test
:bulletred:78. Drink
:bulletred:79. Starvation
:bulletred:80. Words
:bulletred:81. Pen and Paper
:bulletred:82. Can You Hear Me?
:bulletred:83. Heal
:bulletred:84. Out Cold
:bulletred:85. Spiral
:bulletred:86. Seeing Red
:bulletred:87. Food
:bulletred:88. Pain
:bulletred:89. Through the Fire
:bulletred:90. Triangle
:bulletred:91. Drowning
:bulletred:92. All That I Have
:bulletred:93. Give Up
:bulletred:94. Last Hope
:bulletred:95. Advertisement
:bulletred:96. In the Storm
:bulletred:97. Safety First
:bulletred:98. Puzzle
:bulletred:99. Solitude
:bulletred:100. Relaxation